When training self defense or fighting, your protective equipment is the most important aspect.
Because if you hurt your hands or get otherwise injured then you can't train or defend yourself.
So How Much Are Boxing Gloves?
The best boxing gloves on the market cost anywhere from 130$ to 500$.

What Plays A Role In How Much Boxing Gloves Are?
- Quality of Leather
- Quality of Inside Foam Material
- Craftsmanship
- Shipping and Handling
The thickest and toughest material should be used in manufacturing boxing gloves, not just for safety, but also durability.
Materials range from real leather, fake leather, and a plastic very low end material.
The inside foam materials should be the highest quality of foam as well.
King of Sparring uses all leather material and the highest quality mold foam.
Our design is a close fist and using the backside of the gloves to block punches.

Link to King of Sparring Gloves. How much are boxing gloves
The features the King of Sparring has are well thought and highly competitive with the best boxing gloves in the world. At the lowest possible price.
How Much Are Boxing Gloves?
This review of boxing gloves was made to inform on the costs of the top boxing glove brands in the industry as well as quality
Rival boxing gloves are some of the best gloves on the market, they are made for top professional fighters and some of the best fighters in the world wear these gloves.

The padding on the knuckle holds tight as well
One issue with these gloves is durability. They strapping didn't seam to last as long as others, at about 10 months of everyday use.

Something I see from Rival Boxing gloves is they have so many different products for 16 oz boxing gloves men's that it can be difficult buying the correct pair.
All in all I would recommend Rival Boxing gloves, because of their price vs. their quality. Priced very competitive and they use high grade materials.
King of Sparring gloves have the most protective measures compared to any other glove brand out on the market. LOOK AND SEE THE COST OF THE KING OF SPARRING GLOVES
King of Sparring has only 1 glove for every size, because it's the best product King of Sparring can make, the strap and lace provides the most extreme support, the grip bar being made of a hard material is only similar with gloves that cost 500$, the latex mold foam is premium material as well.
The King of Sparring boxing gloves provide the most protective measures, there is an extra layer of foam at the tip of your thumb and padding added underneath the glove to protect the thumb where it can be susceptible to impact and injury.

We created a lace up and the strap design, along with extra cushion padding to the wrist, so the gloves can get snug or as tightly fitted as possible. No tape or extra support is needed.

The Grip Bar we are very proud of. Not many companies competing in our price range use it in their products and we feel it's necessary, because quality competition gloves have it and they create durability with the glove.
Winning Brand boxing gloves are the best 16 oz gloves on the market and have been since the 90's. High quality craftsmanship from Japan these gloves are worn in practice by every single great fighter you can think of. Costs probably have a lot to do with shipping, but these gloves are very much worth the price.
Ordering these gloves can be tricky, their website can seem out of date or 3rd party counterfeiting can disrupt acquiring a pair of Winning Gloves. If you can afford a pair i definitely would suggest it.

Title Boxing gloves are probably the most worn boxing glove in the United States and around the world. The company supports local boxing events and has franchised gyms all over for athletes to train.

The gloves shown above are a pair of 150$ 16 oz Title Boxing gloves I ordered from their website.
The knuckle broke down pretty quickly, hurting your hand and your training partner.
I would recommend these boxing gloves only for athletes training a couple days a week or month
Conclusion: For how much boxing gloves are and their intended purposes, safety is key. Your hands need to be protected when training or working out. Hand injuries shouldn't be a thought, that's why I recommend you giving King of Sparring 16 oz boxing gloves a try. Our price is the best we can make it while still providing all the necessary features top glove makers like Winning Brand have.
P.S. for how much boxing gloves are goes there's really no limit when the best gloves cost 500$, but there are other boxing gloves, like Cleto Reyes, Fighting Brand, Grant Boxing Gloves, and Casanova's.
Cleto Reyes are the best of the best and their price is pretty fair (200$ or so). They have the same issue with counterfeiting like Winning Brand, but their leather and craftsmanship is very cool. Grant boxing gloves are 900$ on third party sites and seem to be only custom made, but just like Cleto Reyes and Winning are the best of the best.
Casanova's were worn by Rocky in the movies, are made in Mexico, and have the most intriguing look I've ever seen. It looks like they are very hard to come by, every site I've seen them on has them as sold out. Fighting Brand is a top tier glove as well, marked at around (100-150$) mark. Only negative about a really good glove is they break down easily, it's almost satisfying because they are so good you know every blow is taking maximum pop.